
Showing posts from April, 2017

Cognos 10.2.2 Life Cycle Manager Installation Issue

Issue Symptoms: After installing Life Cycle Manager, when clicking on start window, we get error that path not specified. Also, clicking on URI and trying to create project gives HTTP Not found error  Solution Create  "projects" folder under  C:\apps\ibm\cognos\LifecycleManager\data Make sure have full access on  C:\apps\ibm\cognos\LifecycleManager Restart  IBM Cognos Lifecycle Manager Startup and you should see below for successful start Using CATALINA_BASE:   "..\tomcat" Using CATALINA_HOME:   "..\tomcat" Using CATALINA_TMPDIR: "..\temp" Using JRE_HOME:        "..\bin\jre\7.0" Using CLASSPATH:       "..\tomcat\bin\bootstrap.jar" How to start and stop LCM Windows -> Start menu - navigate to the Lifecycle Manager entry and select " IBM Cognos Lifecycle Manager Startup" option.   Default: http://localhost:4797/LifecycleManager Lifecycle Manager s...

Cognos 10.2.1 to Cognos 10.2.2 FP7 upgrade Reporting issues

Below are issues/observations noted for reports upgrade: Repeater behavior changes In Cognos 10.2.1, it was working similar to singleton and was able to show single value ( if there is only one value for all rows). This was specifically used for Language based drill through link. After upgrade to Cognos 10.2.2 FP7, the report kept running forever in interactive mode. Upon running in batch mode, it was revealed that it repeated values for each row. To solve this, either convert data item to report expression item or use singleton (to get first value). Extract function data type In 10.2.1, it is being treated as string whereas in 10.2.2 FP7 it's treated as number. Due to this additional function used such as TO_Number resulted in warning in higher version. The argument at position 1 of the function 'TO_NUMBER' is invalid in filter/slicer expression ' TO_NUMBER(extract (YEAR,current_date))' of query 'Prompts', expected one of the following t...

Cognos:Converting from single select to multi select prompt Error

Error: An unexpected exception occurred: incompatible with Cause: We have condition to have default selection "ALL". ([Fund Code] in (?pFund?) )or (?pFund? = ('ALL')) After removing it, error was rectified: [Fund Code] in (?pFund?) and make filter optional.

Crosstab error after Cognos 10.2.2 FP7 upgrade

Problem: After upgrade to FP7, noticed error generated from a crosstab having crosstab space nested within cross tab nodes:- Found an internal error: '!mapSuccess - reportName=test_FP7 - edgeName=11 - edgeOrdinal=1 - tuple=([TBdimension_4].[TBhierarchy_4].[all].[test data].[1].[1].[0], [TBdimension_5].[TBhierarchy_5].[all].[data value for test data within data).'. Solution: It seems that FP7 version was looking for hierarchy information for crosstab spaces as there were no measures assigned to that row. Just added one of values as nested crosstab node above the crosstab with default measure and hide it. This worked to stop generating error and report started working again without loosing display format needed.

How to check Cognos FM version after update to FP7

IBM has provided version numbers at below link:- By looking at FM - About menu, it is not apparent what's fix pack applied. It just shows 10.2.2 You can check cmpls.txt file on FM install path and open in text editor. locate below line:- C8BISRVR_UPDATE_version=C8BISRVR-AW32-ML-RTM-10.2.6107.28-0 As per above link: 10.2.6107.28 - 10.2.2 FP7 You can also check instlog files to see this version number in file name itself. just after update.