
Showing posts from March, 2017

How to retain Tabular data formatting of source text from database in Cognos output

Request: The rich text boxes in Source system allow for the inclusion of tables, but they are not exporting as tables when you read as text item. Other requirement is to have it in pdf format as well. Environment: Cognos 10.2.2 Solution: We can use Rich Text item available in Cognos Report Studio Drag list in page Unlock report and drag rich text item in list column change source of text item to data item value select text field from DB Run report in html/pdf and validate

IBM Cognos Cloud Date Parameter drill through failure

Issue: While moving to Cognos cloud, report fails to pass Date parameter. XQE-DAT-0001 Data source adapter error: java.sql.SQLDataException: ORA-01830: date format picture ends before converting entire input string Version: Cognos 10.2.2 FP3/FP7 Database: Oracle 11g Cause: Cognos is treating Oracle parameters as Timestamp and cast/to_date function at both end doesn't work. Solution: Create data item: (extract(year, ?As Of?) * 100 + extract(month, ?As Of?) ) * 100 + extract(day, ?As Of?) 2. Pass data item value instead of Parameter value 3. In target report, data item should have below ( to use for filtering) and/or displaying: case when (length (?Date?)=8) Then to_date(substring(?Date?, 1,4)||'-'||substring(?Date?, 5,2)||'-'||substring(?Date?, 7,2),'YYYY-MM-DD') Else to_date(?Date?,'YYYY-MM-DD') end

IBM Cognos Cloud FP7 upgrade- Issue with Native SQL Comments

Issue: Native SQL based report against Oracle DB giving error: XQE-DAT-0001     Data source adapter error: java.sql.SQLSyntaxErrorException: ORA-00907: missing right parenthesis Symptoms: Reports have multiple native sqls against Oracle DB. It is using Master details, Page set as well Cause: Cognos 10.2.2 FP7 upgrade from FP3 Analysis and Solution: Run query in Tabular data and see error coming from specific queries On analysis, it was found that there is comment statement in the end of query and it's not able to handle in FP7. It should have omitted it for evaluation. After removing the commented line, error disappeared. Comments: If we use standard comments /* */  or we move last commented line to in between query, it is able to parse sql correctly and send to Oracle as well. This is possible issue in supporting Oracle comments for this scenario in FP7.

IBM Cognos Cloud FP7 Issues with Formating

Issue:  For Value Prompts Radio Button/List Boxes shows side scroll bar. Cause: Report was using 8.x styles Solution: Change Report properties to use 10.x styles