IBM Cognos Cloud Date Parameter drill through failure


While moving to Cognos cloud, report fails to pass Date parameter.


Data source adapter error: java.sql.SQLDataException: ORA-01830: date format picture ends before converting entire input string

Version: Cognos 10.2.2 FP3/FP7
Database: Oracle 11g


Cognos is treating Oracle parameters as Timestamp and cast/to_date function at both end doesn't work.


  1. Create data item:

(extract(year, ?As Of?) * 100
extract(month, ?As Of?)
) * 100
extract(day, ?As Of?)

2. Pass data item value instead of Parameter value

3. In target report, data item should have below ( to use for filtering) and/or displaying:

case when (length (?Date?)=8)
Then to_date(substring(?Date?, 1,4)||'-'||substring(?Date?, 5,2)||'-'||substring(?Date?, 7,2),'YYYY-MM-DD')

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