Cognos Analytics 11.0.7 release Dashboard Issues
Cognos Analytics 11.0.7 release Dashboard issues: Logo Image doesn’t work with relative URL ( this was raised in 11.0.6 as well). I have to provide full path:- https:// /bi/images/test_Images/my_log.jpg Pdf download is not possible for Dashboard Drill through to Cognos reports and passing parameter is not possible from Dashboard Limit of 3000 records in dashboard Canvas per widget – should be customizable similar to Active Reports ( Use Cases for Exploratory Analysis - If we want to list down operations -overall and link to detail reports using dashboard) Infographics icon are used only for summary Visualization. When they are dragged over other charts, they don't represent data values. There is no dynamic calculations available for changing image based on other filter ( say gender) to show different images.