Working in IBM Cognos Cloud
Below are few observations from day to day working on IBM Cloud Environment.
- IBM using saml namespace to provide single sign on for users. It is done using script in back end.
- Cognos is using Apache Mode gateway for connections
- Cognos Framework Manager settings uses additional encryption settings to make connection secure
- Users are required to be added in Roles for both saml namespace as well as AD group ( in case they want to continue to use AD group). This means My folder of both ids are separate.
- Report performances are faster on Production environment and caching helps.
- Session parameter for user account includes complete email id instead of user name and hence scripts/functionality related to it needs to be changed.
- With Encrypted security enabled and Soft Token usage, Cognos can be accessed like any other website to consume data instead of going via remote logon to system.
- Have Common deployment folder across environments
Issues/Work around:
- Old FM models when trying to publish may face issue while publishing package for name conflict. To avoid this error, create new project and import all contents to it and reverify model.
- Date drill through was seen an issue. If possible, convert them in character for passing to detail reports
Here are few issues we faced as of now being actively resolved:
- Running report within Report Studio crashing VM Environment
- DashDB connection creating multiple data sources connections while importing tables.
- Running Drill Through reports when copying using clipboard have issue in making connection. This is caused by issue of passing timestamp to detail report.
- Some reports not showing package in report properties but running fine. They don't show up in impact analysis done using FM for Query Subject dependencies.
- Audit Log showing Timestamp in CET instead of local time though Cognos connection shows correct Local time.
- Cube and Relation reports combined reports doesn't work since it's in DQM Mode only
- There are data socket errors when reading large data.