MotioCI for Cognos Upgrade
In MotioCI, regression testing is organized using three
kinds of nodes in the Cognos instance tree:
• Projects
• Test scripts
• Test cases
Main Objectives are
- Ø To identify any change in SQL ( Data may look same but may cause issue in future if SQL behavior is changed)
- Ø To identify any change in formatting
- Ø To identify any change in data for predefined prompts selection ( Data should be available) via Output Stability assertion- can be used for same report or reports in different location within or other instance
- Ø Any Environment set up issues
- Ø Execution Time stability – to baseline performance issues
Projects – You can create multiple projects to focus on
specific application folders and packages. It’s good to name appropriately to distinguish them from other projects and all shown at same place ( projects are arranged in alphabetical order). You can use Project_<App Name> to create project.
Test scripts – To
run multiple test cases together.
The test scripts can be customized to take only test cases generated for
specific folders instead of running for all test cases at Parent level. Email for
failure notification, Schedule to run at interval time can be done
Test cases – Each
Report can have multiple test cases for different scenarios ( conditional
blocks, data flows)
Job/Events can’t be tested as MotioCI is
simulating On demand runs.
For Upgrade Report Regression Testing, below are
suggested steps
1. Define content to be tested – decommission old reports/remove duplicates/
2. Create Projects for each BIO/LOB/Applications
3. Create Regression Test cases
4. Create Test Scripts
5. Run Test scripts
6. Identify Failures and fix them or redefine scope. Document findings.
7. Label once all failures are taken into account and create as Base
8. Create Projects for comparison
9. Clone test cases/Test scripts to Upgraded Environment with comparison
10. Run test scripts and identify issues and document findings
11. Analysis to isolate/rerun to eliminate Environment Issues vs Coding issue
12. Migrate new contents and rerun
test cases in both Environments