
Showing posts from March, 2018

Deployment Lag issue in Cognos Cloud

Typically on-premise environment, we keep a shared drive of deployment folder to share across environment so that  we don't need to copy them over each dispatchers and it's readily available for import in target environment. In Current IBM Cognos Cloud on 11.0.9, now there is script to sync up between environments and  it copies the deployment archive. We need to create new import for each new import and wait for 10-15 minutes before it will appear in new environment.  This was not the case in C10.2.2 Cloud Environment.

IBM Cognos Analytics 11.0.9 Blank screens on navigation Issue

Issue   While navigating Manage > Account in IE renders blank screen. It works fine in Chrome.       Cause: There has been an NPS (net promoter score) application added to the Cloud Solution. It disables a Pop-up survey where you can rate the Cloud Solution. This NPS application can cause problems with IE. It was turned it off to resolve the issue.   There is a defect logged against issues with IE.

Environment Monitoring in IBM Cognos Cloud

Since now IBM Cloud OPS team supports Cognos Environment and there is need to open ticket and have delays in response times to detect issues, we can set up Job to run some quick reports to run every 5 minutes. While scheduling, need to keep in mind Reports total tun time covers 3-4 minutes run time so that Job will keep running all the time. Exclude times in schedule where maintenance/backup going on.  Reports to be run in sequence so that it doesn't impact actual reports run by users. You can set Job run history to more time to see it on Page itself  You can set up to send an email via even after job completion to include run time. When you stop getting emails, it means there was an outage/issue in the environment. You can create Audit report to check mean, median and mode for Job run time performance to compare run times against.   This method can test dashdb and report run times consistency; however, actual navigational/interactive report run times can't b...

Performance Tiuning Against Db2 on Cloud

Changes in SQLs while migrating from Oracle to DB2 to improve performance: Instead of nvl or coalesce function use case statement Instead of using select clause within select statement, create joins with sub queries Don't use subqueries in where clause Creating small tables for required columns and joining them results in faster performance Use "AS" to qualify names Define Amount Type to decimal(15,2) to match with DB. They may be dropped while doing aggregations.

IBM Cognos 11.0.9 Cloud Upgrade Issues

Below are issues identified  while working with IBM Cloud team PDF Font sizes are different. Fonts to be installed by IBM Audit DB not configured correctly. Extra set up done to change system Timezone to match with location Drill Through functionality not working. Interim Fix was provided having Multiple Data source Connections causing issue to work with reports having native sqls and based on data modules. Custom Controls path was changed making all reports using them not working.  Performance issues in running report. Environment moved to nearest location from original location. DASHDB ( Db2 Datawarehouse On Cloud)  performance tuning done for reports taking longer time compared to Oracle. Navigation to Cognos Administration is slow. Cache parameter is updated to improve on performance.

Meta data documentation in FM

To have meta data information for an application available for analysis or troubleshooting,  All tables'metadata information should be filled.  At Cognos end, Framework manager should be single source to house all information with following below structure:- Database Layer: Description – Add data dictionary description from ETL  with example Model Comments – Any changes to types, relationships Screen Tips – N/A Business Layer: Description – Add Tables involved for Query subjects Model Comments – Any joins, data types update for using it, format etc Screen Tips:- What’s Business meaning and anyway to join to get information Presentation layer/Dimension Layer: Mostly Shortcuts. Can contain Report Names, Packages intended to be used in. Adhoc Layer: Hide columns not needed and reorganize based on Business Area