Environment Monitoring in IBM Cognos Cloud

Since now IBM Cloud OPS team supports Cognos Environment and there is need to open ticket and have delays in response times to detect issues, we can set up Job to run some quick reports to run every 5 minutes.
While scheduling, need to keep in mind

  • Reports total tun time covers 3-4 minutes run time so that Job will keep running all the time.
  • Exclude times in schedule where maintenance/backup going on. 
  • Reports to be run in sequence so that it doesn't impact actual reports run by users.
  • You can set Job run history to more time to see it on Page itself 
  • You can set up to send an email via even after job completion to include run time. When you stop getting emails, it means there was an outage/issue in the environment.
  • You can create Audit report to check mean, median and mode for Job run time performance to compare run times against.
This method can test dashdb and report run times consistency; however, actual navigational/interactive report run times can't be measured using this method. For this purpose, you need a simulator tool to run the report and navigate to actual locations, admin console and capture run time. If it goes beyond set threshold time, it should send an alert. When there is consistent slow performance, it can generate ticket to OPS team.

These set ups will help in evaluating system performance time to time as usages grows.

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